Cosimo Rosselli Saint Catherine of Siena as Spiritual Mother of the Second and Third Orders of Saint Dominic About 1499 - 1500


Born 1439
Died 1507
Nationality Italian
Birth place Florence
Death place Florence

Cosimo Rosselli came from a large Florentine family of artists and architects. He trained in the busy and prosperous workshop of Neri di Bicci and produced altarpieces and frescoes. He was summoned to Rome from Florence in 1481 to contribute to the fresco decoration on the walls of the Sistine Chapel with Sandro Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandaio and Pietro Perugino. His four frescoes show his ability to produce carefully composed scenes and include contemporary portraits in the crowds of onlookers. Cosimo was highly respected and received numerous private and public commissions.