
The Giant


One bright sunrise, a little girl with brown eyes and chestnut brown hair, wandered through a forest mankind has been afraid of for many centuries. As she walked, she saw black and white figures watching her. But when she blinked they vanished. Terrified, she tried to scream, but she couldn't. It almost felt like someone was covering her mouth
As the sun rose higher, a big dark creature spawned in the forest. All of a sudden, a sharp pain started brewing up in her leg. Hollie is the little girl and she is in for a surprise.

Hollie heard a huge roar. She shivered with fear, but humungous black, crazy and gooey feet stamped towards her. Horrified, she ran deeper into the forest. When she thought she was safe she saw the figures again. So she ran more and more. Hollie wanted to cry. She was so scared. All she could think about was the giant and the figures. She started crying. After she stopped crying she looked for food, but the giant was looking for her. He searched for her. When she looked for food she heard "I will find you little girl". As Hollie ran looking for an exit, she found huge footprints. Scared, she ran the other direction, but the giant found her. He grabbed her tight and was going to swallow her up but he dropped dead!

Then I saw my mum holding a bow and arrow. "MUM" I called. I was more happy than a puppy getting adopted. I asked my mum, "How are we going to find an exit?" She said "I made a map". Happily we followed it and went home. We never saw the giant again.