Dora Maar Portrait of Georges Hugnet 1934 © Estate of Dora Maar. All rights reserved. ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2023


Born 1907
Died 1997
Nationality French
Birth place Tours
Death place Paris

Dora Maar spent her childhood in Argentina but moved to Paris in 1925, where she trained as a photographer and painter, and ran a commercial studio in the early 1930s. From 1934 Maar participated sporadically with the Surrealists, producing photomontages and photographic portraits of group members. During this period she was introduced to Picasso and began a tumultuous eight-year relationship with him. Maar's talents have been obscured by the myths surrounding her infamous liaison with Pablo Picasso. After the Seconnd World War and the end of her affair with Picasso, Maar concentrated on her painting, living as a recluse in the south of France.

Glossary terms

Glossary terms


The combination of two or more photographs (or pieces of them) to form a single image. The technique came to prominence as a Dadaist form of political protest during the First World War and was later adopted by Surrealist and Pop artists.