Bridget Riley Over 1966 © Bridget Riley, 2018


Born 1931
Nationality English
Birth place London

In the early 1960s Riley became interested in colour theory. When tiny spots of pure colour are placed close together they will blend on the retina of the eye. Riley began experimenting with optical movement in painting, using squares, lines, circles and spirals. She used black and white at first but moved on to introduce colour in the mid-1960s. Her paintings produce feelings of movement and dislocation in the viewer, and even illusions of colour in her black and white works. Her work has been widely imitated, and she is known as one of the founders of 'Op Art'.

Glossary terms

Glossary terms

Op art

Op Art was an international art movement which came to prominence in the 1960s, exploring the ways abstract pattern, colour and form can stimulate the eye.