C.R.W Nevinson

Building Aircraft: Swooping down on a Taube (from the series ‘The Great War: Britain’s Efforts and Ideals’)

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About this artwork

This print is from a portfolio series commissioned by the Bureau of Information, called ‘The Great War: Britain’s Efforts and Ideals’. Twelve artists made prints relating to the ‘Ideals’ involved in going to war, and Nevinson was one of the nine artists commissioned to depict the ‘Efforts’ associated with war. This is the sixth of Nevinson’s six prints, which show the process of building an aeroplane, from making parts, to assembly, and finally to flight. Nevinson took a particular interest in aerial warfare, devoting three prints to showing aircraft in flight. In this image, a British plane takes a breathtaking dive towards a German Taube aircraft, set against a dramatically-lit sky. The German plane is recognisable by its curved, bird-like profile – ‘taube’ is German for ‘dove.’

Updated before 2020

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C.R.W Nevinson

C.R.W Nevinson