Fabulous food

Make picture showing fabulous food. It can on the farm, in a shop, being cooked or on the table ready to eat.

Use any materials, techniques or processes (for example drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, photography, computer-aided design, collage, montage).

Below you will find three key artworks to look at and discuss as a class.

There are then 10 examples of artworks made by children in response to this theme.

Child Staring into Bakery Window, London

What do you think this girl is thinking?
How do we know that she is quite poor?Try describing her family.
Why do you think the photographer decided to take this picture and why is it in black and white?
What do you think might happen next?

Edith Tudor Hart was a documentary photographer and this is one of her most popular photographs, taken in 1930. It was used to show the big difference between rich and poor people. She took lots of photographs of working people in London and South Wales but in the 1950’s it became very hard for her to find work as a woman photographer so she gave up.

Child Staring into Bakery Window, London, Owen Logan, Edith Tudor-Hart, 1935 − © Photograph by Edith Tudor-Hart

Le Dejeuner [The Lunch]

Is this group of family or friends starting their meal or just finishing and what clues are there to help us decide?
What could they be talking about? Try acting it out.
If you were here what might you smell and what sounds would you hear?
What do you notice about the clothes they are wearing?

Francisco Bores was born in Spain but lived half his life in Paris where he had many famous artist friends including Picasso. He tried to become an engineer first and then studied law but in the end he knew that to become an artist was the thing he wanted most of all. 

Le Dejeuner [The Lunch], 1935, Francisco Bores

Crouching Cock 

What are the animals doing in this picture and where do you think they live?
What kind of noises do they make and how do they move?
Hens lay eggs but are there other useful things we can get from them?
Why can we only see part of the cockerel in this picture?

This artist loved drawing birds and wildlife. He travelled a lot  in Scotland when he was illustrating a book all about British birds. This  picture was made by cutting shapes from a block of wood, rolling ink over it and then making a print. You can make many pictures from one piece of wood in this way.  

Crouching Cock, Allen William Seaby, 1914 − © Robert Gillmor, North Light

Further considerations

  • Where does our food come from? What journey does it take before it arrives on our table?
  • What equipment and tools do we use to prepare  and eat our food indoors and outdoors ?
  • People eat differently in parts of the world. Could you match a list of food to where it might come from?
  • Have  you ever visited a butcher,  a baker, a fishmonger, or a greengrocer and what did you see there?
  • If you had friends for tea could you plan a menu and write a shopping list?
  • How could  you decorate a cake for a special occasion?
  • Can you think of any songs, poems or stories about food?
  • The Elephant and the Bad Baby; Hurray for Bread; Goldilocks; Food, Glorious Food; Little Jack Horner
  • How many jobs can you think of where people are working with food, growing, selling, cooking or serving it? 

Curriculum for Excellence

Expressive Arts

Art and Design

Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities in art and design. EXA 1-05a

I can respond to the work of artists and designers by discussing my thoughts and feelings.

Health and wellbeing

By investigating the range of foods available I can discuss how they contribute to a healthy diet. HWB 1-30a

When preparing and cooking a variety of foods, I am becoming aware of the journeys which foods make from source to consumer their seasonality,their local availability and their sustainability.

Religious and moral education

I am developing  respect for the practices and traditions of others. RME 1-06a

Numeracy and mathematics

I can use money to pay for items and can work out how much change I should receive. MNU 1-09a

Social Studies

I can compare aspects of people’s daily lives in the past with my own by using historical evidence or the experience of recreating an historical setting. SOC 1-04a

Having explored the variety of foods produced in Scotland I can discuss the importance of different types of agriculture  in the production of these foods. SOC 1-09a

I have developed an understanding of the importance of local organisations in providing for the needs of my local community. SOC 1-20a.


Artworks created for this theme

Lewis Hair
Isaac Buchanan
Zoe Watts
Ben Dickson
Faith Kennedy-Moffat
Amy Edgar
Jack Tetsill
Annabelle Wilson
Kyden Madziwa
Maisie Rawlinson