Domenico Tintoretto The Head of Giuliano de' Medici, after Michelangelo [Recto and Verso] About 1600


Born 1560
Died 1635
Nationality Italian
Birth place Venice
Death place Venice

Domenico Robusti, or ‘Tintoretto’ as the family had come to be known, was the son and principal assistant of Jacopo Tintoretto. Jacopo was one of the greatest artists in sixteenth-century Venice, and his son Domenico was also exceptionally talented. Domenico’s career began in his father’s workshop, but he soon became an established artist in his own right. He was admitted to the painters’ guild in Venice aged only seventeen. Domenico’s particular talent as a painter of portraits meant that he was in high demand among both Venetian and foreign nobility. He continued to work alongside his father on many large-scale projects during the 1580s and 1590s, including the remarkable ‘Paradise’ in the Doge’s Palace.