Claudine Bouzonnet & Jacques Stella Le Cortege nuptial from the Pastorales 1667


Born 1636
Died 1697
Nationality French

Claudine Bouzonnet was born in Lyon, France and studied art under her uncle, the artist Jacques Stella. Wanting to devote himself to printing rather than painting, Jacques established a printing workshop and recruited his nieces and nephews to assist him. As the oldest sibling, Claudine became head of the the workshop when Jacques died, and was granted exclusive rights by the king to publish prints after her uncle's designs. She became an established engraver and produced prints after the designs of her uncle and French artist Nicolas Poussin. Bouzonnet had also attained the rights to publish prints of her own design, but never did so under the family workshop. When working for other printers in an independent capacity however, she created and credited her own designs which bore her distinctive style.